Monday, September 20, 2010

Another Brother Gone.....

Wendell "Dip-Dab" Wright.   Sean Sessome.  Shawn "Mic Lord" Austin.  Lawrence "DJ Law" Brown.  When does the list stop?  I am fully aware that we all have to go one day, but THIS soon?  All I know for sure is that God has us covered through it all.  Otherwise, we wouldn't be here still existing as sane individuals.

When I got the call from Pavar (former morning show host, and Boodah sister), I did not know what to say or think.  I knew I had to be strong for her, but it took all that I had to do so.  My lady was right here with me, so God bless her for being my right arm, and shoulder to lean and cry on.  I think we were all patting ourselves on the back for getting through a rough three years of dealing with the passing of Mic Lord, and previously Dip Dab, when we were interrupted by yet another shock.  I'd just spoke with Law via text message on last Weds., since we are both fans of black music and all things related.  Therefore, if it isn't talking about the Soul Train reruns, our latest topic of conversation was about the new season of TV One's "Unsung."  And boy, did we get some great "LOLs" and "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAs" in regarding Teddy Pendergrass' episode.  Our connection was so innate that he didn't even have to ask IF I saw it, he just automatically referenced a particular segment of it.  That was how we got down.

We always found a way to work Mic Lord into our convo, as his spirit is so strong that it is the source of how we view things first in our own eyes, and then from his- and his ALWAYS brings uncontrollable laughter.  If you haven't heard already, Law was one of the most GIVING people on the face of this a fault.  And funny enough, almost to his fault.  For instance, Law called the crew over to help organize his massive record collection in his garage, which was a huge task.  While in the process, there was an "abandoned" Technics 1200 turntable found in the fray.  I asked him about it, and he said there was something wrong with it (I forget exactly what), but that I could have it.  Well, another friend of ours who is the ultimate handyman took a look at it after we left and that turntable hasn't failed me yet to this day.  When I first told him that it was working good, it was a look of "dang!", but yet he was genuinely happy that I got something out of it.

We had a vision that we'd be the forefront of real hip-hop for the 757 area.  In the form of the Boodah Fam: Mac the Menace, Mic Lord, Lonnie B, and 450 (and various other extensions), we provided the soundscape for the music that would set the tone for the 757 while providing visual and auditory goals for the younger cats to aspire to reach.  While in the midst of this project, Law gave me his MPC 2000 and he bought another for himself.  As you can imagine, these gifts from him have SO much more meaning today, and will be cherished for a lifetime.

Before I left for L.A., Law insisted that I come over to the house to sit and vibe before I left.  He even had Angie, his wife who is his BEST friend, fix her famous "chili mac" for us.  We did nothing but watch Soul Train from the DVR, and talked about the state of music as we always do.  That, along with his surprise 40th birthday this past year were great moments that I was able to share before his physical left us.  I will cherish all of the times that I spent the night at the house just so we could sit up, listen to music, and talk like we were b-boys in the heart of 1986.

Law was the CONSUMMATE B-Boy.  I'd given him a pair of my Gazelle's at his 40th birthday, and he couldn't believe that I did that.  I wish I could've given you more, bro.....especially for all that you've given me.  Rock rock on, homie....


  1. Very touching tribute. What an honor to have called this man your friend. Cut from the same cloth, you will always carry his fabric with you. May God continue to comfort his wife, family, and friends in their moments of sorrow. Kool DJ Law is now a thousand blowing winds, gently swaying the trees. Rest in eternal peace.

  2. All I can say is I miss my brother and I love him so much. This is a deep pain and a hard blow but most certainly a wake up call that we need to stay in touch and share moments more often. Whether a phone call or a note or even a good old fashioned letter. I miss you, Law.
    ~Quadeer "MC SPICE" Shakur

  3. Wow, my thoughts and prayers are with you, friends and family. He sounds like a great man. Blessings...
